What Are the Different Types of Video Production (Videography)?

Video production is the process of creating a video or film by capturing moving images or media (videography) and creating combinations of parts of this video in live production (video editing). It includes all aspects of video creation, from storyboarding and pre-production planning to shoot, post-production, and distribution

Video production is important because it allows businesses to create engaging, informative content that can reach a wide audience. There are many different types of video production, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your needs, you may opt to hire a professional or do the work yourself.

Why are The Different Types of Video Production?

Different types of videography cater to the different needs of businesses and organizations. For example, some video productions are intended for marketing purposes, while others are created for training or informational purposes to support any promotional articles. The type of video production you choose will depend on your specific goals and objectives.

If you're unsure which, video production is right for your situation. It's a good idea to consult with a professional video production company. At Its Producers, we offer several different types of production services that can help you reach your goals.

Whether you need a standard marketing video or something more specialized for training, you always have options that can meet your needs and fit within your budget. Here are some of the most common video types available today, along with an explanation of what they entail and what they're suited for.

Narrative Videos

Businesses can make various types of videos, but narrative videos are some of the most popular. A narrative video tells a story and typically has a linear content structure with a beginning, middle, and end. This type of video can be used to promote a product or service or to share information engagingly.

Some examples of narrative videos include commercials, explainers, brand films, and even social media content. A narrative video is probably the way to go if you choose to produce a video that captures attention and keeps people engaged.

Many people find them more engaging and entertaining content than other types of videos. They can help people understand a company's products or services in many cases. A well-made narrative video can make people feel more connected to a brand by presenting an inviting story that might include a solution to their problems. They're often one of the most highly shared types of videos, and companies use them because they know how effectively they drive engagement and sales.

Training Videos

When you think of video production or film production, training or educational videos might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But training videos are an important type of video production that can be used to educate and train employees on various topics.

Training videos can be used to teach new employees about company policies and procedures or to provide continuing education for existing employees. Training videos can be either media text video, live-action, or animated and can be delivered via various platforms, including tv broadcasts, DVD, the internet, or even mobile devices. Training videos come in varying types and forms. These include:

Live-action training videos can be a great way to provide your employees with hands-on experience and teach them about best practices. Live-action training videos are often used to train first responders in specialized areas like law enforcement, emergency medicine, firefighting, and military operations.

Animation is another popular format for delivering educational videos. Animated videos can effectively teach concepts that might be too complex for live action, such as detailed medical procedures or difficult dance routines. You can use animation video production software or freelance animators to create animated training videos on almost any topic.

Marketing Videos

A marketing video is a type of video businesses create to promote their product, content, or service. These videos can be placed in various marketing campaigns, such as social media on PNT Facebook, Twitter, email marketing, music video, and TV commercials. Marketing videos are usually short, creative, and to the point.

They highlight the product's or service's benefits and use customer testimonials to build trust with potential buyers. Some common features include: explaining what the company does, showing before-and-after pictures (success stories), demonstrating how easy it is to use/buy, highlighting key features, and using testimonials from customers (or experts).

For example, you could include a before-and-after picture to demonstrate the results a customer can expect from using your product or service. Use them if you have success stories (i.e., photos and/or videos)! It makes customers feel more confident that your product works.

You should list any key features or benefits and show how easy it is to order/purchase or use your product, content, or service. Ultimately, ask for action and direct viewers to whatever website they need to go to get more information, help, or purchase your product or service.

Event Video Production

From product launches and fashion shows to charity galas and corporate conferences, event videos are a great way to capture a live event's action and excitement. Often, these videos are used as promotional videos to generate interest in future events or to document an event for those who couldn't attend

In some cases, they can be used to commemorate the event by creating a memorable memento that reflects how it felt to be there. There are many ways to tell the story of an event through event video production: interviews with attendees, footage of guests arriving and leaving, capturing the atmosphere from varying angles - from outside at night when fireworks are going off in celebration or at dawn when people gather for prayer.

Be sure to check with whoever is hosting or organizing your event in advance to find out their goals for making a video. Ask if they seek something that looks more like a documentary that captures everything about their event or something more traditional with narration and explanations about what's happening.

Corporate Event Videos

A corporate video or corporate event videos are marketing tools to promote a company, its products, or services. Corporate video production can be used for various purposes, such as product demonstrations, employee training, or customer testimonials. They are typically short (2-5 minutes) and can be distributed online or at events.

If you're looking to make a corporate video, there are a few key factors to consider. First, you should decide if you opt to have your video be informative or promotional. An informative video is used to educate potential customers about your products and services.

More sales-oriented promotional videos will highlight why customers should choose your company over competitors. Once you've decided on your message, it's time to pick a production style. Many companies create their style guide for videos produced in-house to look consistent with existing marketing materials like brochures and websites.

Remember that your video production can play a big role in customer engagement and promotional outreach, so it's important to make sure you choose quality equipment and a skilled team to make your video. Outsourcing is a great option if you desire professional-quality corporate videos for your company but don't have much video experience.

Internet Video Production

Internet videos are videos created specifically for the internet, often shorter and more to-the-point than traditional videos. They are made to be watched online and often go viral due to their shareability. Internet videos are important because they are a great way to reach a wide audience with your message.

Internet marketing videos are great because they can be a cornerstone of a wider campaign content structure. Videos can be used to showcase an event, offer more information about your company, or promote your products and services.

Keep in mind that internet video production is different from traditional video production – while both have their merits, you should choose wisely when choosing which is right for you. For example, if you're going for high-production value and slick editing, then traditional video might suit your needs better than something just being shot on a smartphone.

On the other hand, if you're looking for something short and quick to grab people's attention, then a quick Internet video may be what you need. It all depends on what type of content you're trying to convey.

Testimonial Videos

As a business owner, you know that testimonials from happy customers can be extremely powerful. But you might not know that there are various types of testimonial videos, each with distinct advantages.

The first type of testimonial video is the most common: a customer interviews the business owner and asks questions about the service or product. The second type uses candid footage of people using the service or product and expressing their thoughts on it without any voiceover or narration.

The third type creates an edited documentary style where people in your industry talk about how your company has impacted them. Each has its strengths, so explore these different options to find which will work for your needs!

Whichever type you choose, testimonial videos are a great tool for demonstrating credibility and providing an element of personality to your business. They are also a way to show off your brand's best qualities since they ensure that new customers have no doubts about whether or not they should trust you. Whether you seek to build relationships with current clients or get more leads, testimonial videos can help you do both!

Documentary Film

A documentary film is a non-fictional motion picture intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for instruction or maintaining a historical record. Documentaries were originally shot on film stock—the same material used for feature films.

However, they are now frequently shot with digital video cameras. They are often made in an observational mode, as they chronicle real-world events. The main purpose of these productions is to film and reflect upon reality.

Documentary filmmakers do not desire reality to be altered by their cameras. Using long-shot or extreme close-up shot strategies in a documentary provides a sense of presence, which helps viewers feel that they are there in person and not watching from afar.

Most of these productions follow one or more characters as they participate in or witness events relevant to their film's central idea; these documentaries are called character-driven.

In contrast, other documentaries don't have a specific focus and may involve people who happen to have been filmed at the same time or share similar ideas or interests. These types of films are called topic-driven documentaries.

Product Videos

A product video is a short video that showcases a product, its features, and how it works. Product content videos are often used on e-commerce sites, ads, Facebook, Twitter,or Google. They can be informational or entertaining, or both.

A product video can be created in several ways, and there are different ways to present your information. A sit-down interview with a spokesperson may be useful for introducing new products or lines, while an unboxing video may help consumers understand how their items will arrive.

Demonstration videos showcase a product's functions and show consumers what they should expect. It's always important to know who your audience is when producing a product video, so you know what kind of language and style best suits them.

Straightforward/ instructional video: There are many different styles and types of straight-up instructional videos, but they all share a common goal: teaching someone something. Instructional videos vary by complexity level, target audience, and goals (e.g., make a sale vs. promote safety).

The best instructional videos are those that break the lesson down into small chunks, include plenty of visual aspects to keep customers engaged, and employ the active voice instead of passive constructions (e.g., this step shows you how to set up X vs. X is set up this way). Most importantly, they need to come across as engaging.

Live Videos

More and more, people are watching live videos. It's a great way to connect with an audience in real-time and build a connection. Plus, live video is more engaging than pre-recorded video because it's unscripted and unpredictable. There are a few types of live videos. These include:

A webinar is similar to a live video, but rather than being broadcasted live. It's recorded and hosted online for anyone to watch at their convenience. A great example of a company that uses webinars is HubSpot. They host weekly webinars with experts in certain fields and then publish them on their website so you can view them whenever you like.

Another type of live video is a Q&A or AMA (Ask Me Anything). This type of video allows your audience to submit questions ahead of time or during the stream, which you can answer as they come in via YouTube comments or an IRC chat room. If your company has a Facebook page, you could use Facebook Live as another way to connect with people while watching their favorite TV shows.

The final type of live video is live streaming. This is a type of video where you're broadcast in real-time as it happens. You can use live streaming for many things, including product launches, press conferences, or even an upcoming event.

Live streaming offers more freedom than pre-recorded videos because you don't have to worry about editing and getting everything in before you hit record and broadcast. With live video, it's all happening at once, so there's no need for cutting or adjusting anything during post-production.

Wedding Videos

There are many types of wedding videos, from the traditional to the more modern. Traditional wedding videos are more formal, with little to no music and a focus on the ceremony itself. On the other hand, modern wedding videos are often more creative, with unique angles and editing styles.

Depending on the couple's preferences and choice of video production services, they can also include family and friends not attending the ceremony. The length of these films can also vary: some run for just a few minutes while others last for an hour or longer.

Since wedding videos are often part of a larger media package, they're usually given to each guest as a gift. They can also be uploaded to social media sites for friends and family who cannot attend in person.

As with any wedding video, as a client, you'll have plenty of options when it comes to adding your personal touch. Some companies even allow you to choose your soundtrack and edit them however you like. This makes it easier for couples who choose their videos tailored just for them but don't seek to sacrifice quality in return.

What To Consider When Before Settling on a Video Production Choice

Choosing the right video production type is essential to your project's success. Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding on the different types of video production.

  • Consider the end goal of the videos and ensure that it matches the type of production you want.

  • Talk to an expert about their expertise and what they have done in the past. If they have experience with a specific production, ask them if they can show you examples or provide samples so you can see firsthand what it looks like!

  • Get an estimate on how much time it will take and any additional costs before finalizing your decision! A reputable company should be able to answer these questions without hesitation.

Finally, think about your budget. Is this something you're willing to spend? Is there another way to achieve the same but at a lower cost? The more money you spend on one part of your project typically means less money for other aspects, so weigh all options before making a decision! You should also consider the following:

  • What is the purpose of the video?

  • Who is your target audience?

  • What type of video do you need to make?

  • What style do you need the video to have?

  • Where will the video be distributed?

Video Production Is an Art and a Science for Your Client

The video production process can be broken down into several distinct stages. The first stage is pre-production, when the initial idea for the video is developed. This is followed by production when the actual video is filmed. Post-production is the final stage, where the video is edited and put together.

Post-production can be thought of as a series o steps to take your video from its raw footage to an actual, completed video. The first step is editing—editing breaks down into smaller processes like snipping clips together or adjusting sound levels. After that comes sound design, color correction, and special effects are all part of post-production.

A common workflow for post-production is to do any necessary editing and audio in one application, then export your file in a format used by a different program for color correction and effects. At last, you'll need to export your finished project back into a format that works with your editing software so you can make changes before you publish or distribute it.